Willis Music
Teaching Little Fingers To Play Classics
Early Elementary Level
11 Piano Solo Arrangements With Optional Teacher Accompaniments: Barcarolle (From Tales Of Hoffman) (Offenbach) &Bull; Bridal Chorus (From Lohengrin) (Wagner) &Bull; Can Can (From Orpheus In The Underworld) (Offenbach) &Bull; Country Gardens (English Folk Tune) &Bull; A Little Night Music (From Eine Kleine Nachtmusik) (Mozart) &Bull; Lullaby (Brahms) &Bull; Ode To Joy (From Symphony No. 9) (Beethoven) &Bull; &Ldquo;Surprise&Rdquo; Symphony (Haydn) &Bull; Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky) &Bull; Syphony No. 5 (Second Movement) (Tchaikovsky) &Bull; Turkish March (From The Ruins Of Athens) (Beethoven).