Willis Music
10 Introspective Pieces For Piano Solo
The Japanese Word &Ldquo;Aya&Rdquo; Translates Into Shimmering Colors, Evoking Beatiful Shades And Hues. This Collection Features 10 Piano Solos Inspired By &Ldquo;Aya,&Rdquo; As Well As The Composer's Love Of Nature And Japanese Traditions. Titles: Cho (The Butterfly) &Bull; Elegy &Bull; Fujin (Soul Of The Wind) &Bull; Romance No. 1 (Moon) &Bull; Romance No. 2 (Ocean) &Bull; Romance No. 3 (Earth) &Bull; Umi (The Sea) &Bull; Vega &Bull; The White Phoenix (Homage To Ito Jakuchu) &Bull; Yujo (Friendship).
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