Hal Leonard
The Real Latin Book
B Flat Instruments
The Ultimate Collection For Latin Lovers Everywhere! 400 Latin Standardsin One Real Book Collection, Including: Adios &Bull; ÁGua De Beb Er (Water To Drink) &Bull; ÁGuas De MarÇO (Waters Of March) &Bull; All That's Left Is To Say Goodbye (E Preciso Dizer Adeus) &Bull; Alma Con Alma &Bull; Always In My Heart (Siempre En Mi Corazon) &Bull;Amapola (Pretty Little Poppy) &Bull; Amor (Amor, Amor, Amor) &Bull; Ant Igua &Bull; Babalu &Bull; BÉSame Mucho (Kiss Me Much) &Bull; Bonita &Bull; Call Me &Bull; Cast Your Fate To The Wind &Bull; Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White &Bull; Con Alma &Bull; Copacabana (At The Copa) &Bull; Corazon Corazon &Bull; Desafinado &Bull; Don't Cry For Me Argentina &Bull; El Triste &Bull; Evil Ways &Bull; Feelings (?Dime?) &Bull; 500 Miles High &Bull; For Once In My Life &Bull; FrenesÍ &Bull; The Girl From Ipanema (GarÔTa De Ipanema) &Bull; Granada &Bull; Himno Nacional Mexicano (Mexican National Hymn) &Bull; How Insensitive (Insensatez) &Bull; It's Impossible (Somos Novios) &Bull; Killer Joe &Bull; Kissof Fire &Bull; La Bamba &Bull; La Malaguena &Bull; Little Boat &Bull; L Ivin' La Vida Loca &Bull; The Look Of Love &Bull; Malaguena &Bull; Meditation (Meditacao) &Bull; More (Ti GuarderÒ Nel Cuore) &Bull; Never On Sunday &Bull; A Night In Tunisia &Bull; One Note Samba (Samba De Uma Nota So) &Bull; Oye Como Va &Bull; Paloma Blanca &Bull; Papa Loves Mambo &Bull; Perfidia &Bull; Por Amor &Bull; St. Thomas &Bull; Sway (Quien Sera) &Bull; Tico Tico (Tico Tico No Fuba) &Bull; Triste &Bull; Wave &Bull; What A Diff'rence A Day Made &Bull; And More!