Hal Leonard
J.S. Bach For Fingerstyle Ukulele
15 Solo Arrangements In Standard Notation & Tab
15 Solo Ukulele Arrangements In Standard Notes And Tab Of J.S. Bach Works: Arioso &Bull; Be Thou With Me &Bull; BourrÉE &Bull; Chorale In C Major, Bwv 514 &Bull; Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring &Bull; Little Prelu De No. 2 In C Major &Bull; Minuet In G &Bull; Minuet 1, Bwv 813 &Bull; Musette In D Major &Bull; Prelude (Cello Suite No. 1) &Bull; Prelude In C Major &Bull; Quia Respexit &Bull; Sheep May Safely Graze &Bull; Sleeper S, Awake (Wachet Auf) &Bull; Violin Partita No. 1, Bwv 1002 &Ldquo;Tempo Di BourrÉE&Rdquo;.
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