Hal Leonard
Halloween Guitar Songs
43 Gravest Hits Deranged For 6 String Axe In Scary Notation & Tab
The Subtitle Says It All: 43 Gravest Hits Deranged For 6 String Axe In Scary Notation And Tab! Songs Include: Addams Family Theme &Bull; Bad Moon Rising &Bull; Creep &Bull; Don't Fear The Reaper &Bull; Friday The 13th Theme &Bull; Ghostbusters &Bull; Highway To Hell &Bull; Theme From &Ldquo;Jaws&Rdquo; &Bull; Monster Mash &Bull; Nightmare On Elm Street &Bull; The Phantom Of The Opera &Bull; Purple People Eater(Tm) &Bull; Spooky &Bull; Thriller &Bull; Time Warp &Bull; Twilight Zone Main Title &Bull; Werewolves Of London &Bull; Theme From The X Files &Bull; And More.