Hal Leonard
Classical Themes Level 3
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library
This Series Presents Favorite Orchestral Classics, Carefully Graded And Expertly Arranged For Piano Solo With Great Teacher Accompaniments! Online Access To Instrumetnal Accompaniments, As Mp3 Or Midi Files, Is Included Using The Unique Code Provided Inside The Book.
Level 3 Includes: The Elephant (Bizet) &Bull; Entr'acte (Schubert) &Bull; La Donna È Mobile (Verdi) &Bull; Lullaby (Brahms) &Bull; Merry Widow Waltz (LehÁR) &Bull; Polovetsian Dance (Borodin) &Bull; Scheherezade (Rimsky Korsakov) &Bull; Symphony No. 1 (Brahms) &Bull; Trumpet Tune (Purcell) &Bull; Turkish March (Beethoven).
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