Hal Leonard
50 Songs For Children
50 Children's Favorites Arranged For Easy Piano: Baa Baa Black Sheep &Bull; Do Your Ears Hang Low? &Bull; Eensy Weensy Spider &Bull; The Farmer In The Dell &Bull; FrÈRe Jacques (Are You Sleeping?) &Bull; Hush,Little Baby &Bull; I've Been Working On The Railroad &Bull; If You're H Appy And You Know It &Bull; London Bridge &Bull; Mary Had A Little Lamb &Bull; The Muffin Man &Bull; Old Mac Donald Had A Farm &Bull; Pop Goes The Weasel &Bull; Row, Row, Row Your Boat &Bull; This Old Man &Bull; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star &Bull; Yankee Doodle &Bull; And Many More.
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