Canadian Brass
The Canadian Brass Book Of Advanced Quintets
French Horn
Contents: Fantasia & Fugue In D Minor &Bull; Gaudeamus Igitur &Bull; Gloria &Bull; Go Down, Moses &Bull; Grand March (Aida) &Bull; Hallelujah, Amen &Bull; Hodie, Christus Natus Est &Bull; Hosanna To The Son Of David &Bull; Jerusalem &Bull; Joshua &Bull; My Bonny Lass &Bull; My Lord, Whata Mornin' &Bull; Now Is The Month Of Maying &Bull; Overture To H.M.S. P Inafore &Bull; Sweet Love Doth Now Invite &Bull; Trumpet Voluntary (Stanley) &Bull; We Hasten With Eager Footsteps &Bull; Where E'er You Walk.
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