Boosey & Hawkes
Contralto Songs
The New Imperial Edition
Contents: Adieu (Addio) &Bull; As A Sunbeam At Morn (Come Raggio Di Sol)&Bull; Author Of All My Joys (O Del Mio Dolce Ardor) &Bull; Cradle Song (Bei Der Wiege) &Bull; Dearest Consort (Cara Sposa) &Bull; Death And Th E Maiden (Der Tod Und Das MÄDchen) &Bull; Dewy Violets (La Violette) &Bull; The Enchantress &Bull; Hark! What I Tell To Thee &Bull; How Changed The Vision (Cangio D'aspetto) &Bull; How Few The Joys &Bull; Like Any Foolish Moth I Fly (Qual Farfalleta Amante) &Bull; Litany (Litanei) &Bull; Love Triumphant (Von Ewiger Liebe) &Bull; Mignon's Song (Mignon's Leid) &Bull; My Soul Is Dark (Mein Herz Ist Schwer) &Bull; Nay Though Myheart Should Break (Nur Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt) &Bull; A Night In May (Die Mainacht) &Bull; O Can Ye Sew Cushions &Bull; Oft Have I Sighed &Bull; O My Deir Hert &Bull; The Praise Of God (Der Ehre Gottes Aus Der Natur) &Bull; Sapphic Ode (Sapphische Ode) &Bull; Sea Wrack &Bull; Serenade(Quand Tu Chantes) &Bull; To Music (An Die Musik) &Bull; Verdant Meadow S (Verdi Prati) &Bull; Where Corals Lie &Bull; The Willow Song &Bull; With A Swanlike Beauty Gliding (Quando Miro Quel Bel Ciglio).